Saturday, January 5, 2008

Firefox tips and triks 2.

Browser Behavior

Open external links in new windows or the current tab

The New pages should be opened in: setting in Tools > Options... > Tabs applies to links both from the current page and links triggered from other programs. If you want all links from other programs to be opened differently from links in the current page, you can use about:config to edit the preference The values are:

Open links from other programs in the current tab
Open links from other programs in new windows
(Default) Open links from other programs in new tabs in an existing window
Decide which New Windows to Block

By default, all windows that a web page wants to open will be diverted to either the current tab/window or a new tab. However, this does not apply to small pop-up windows (e.g. a poll results window or the ICQ window in To change this behavior so it does divert new windows that are spawned by JavaScript, use about:config to edit the preference Values:

Divert all new windows to current tab/window or new tab
Don't divert any windows spawned by JS
(Default) Don't divert JS windows that include size/placement/toolbar info
Tweak Find As You Type

Find As You Type has a few hidden preferences that can be changed to better fit your needs. Use about:config to change any of the following:

Set this pref to false if you want Find As You Type to search normal text too.
Set this pref to true if you require that the link starts with the entered text.
This is the time in milliseconds for the Find As You Type to stop watching for keystrokes.
Disable Other JavaScript Window Features

Firefox has a few options that allow you to decide what scripts can and can not do with windows. These options are available by going to Tools > Options... > Content, and beside "Enable JavaScript", clicking on Advanced. However, this list of options doesn't cover them all. There are some other useful options which can be applied by using about:config to change the following:

Set this to true to make sure all pop-up windows are resizable.
Set this to true to make sure all pop-up windows are minimizable.
Set this to true to always display the menu in pop-up windows.
Set this to true to always display the Navigation Toolbar in pop-up windows.
Set this to true to prevent sites from disabling scrollbars.
Use your Netscape 6/7 or Mozilla bookmarks in Firefox

If you are using Netscape 6/7 or Mozilla, you can share your bookmarks with Firefox. All bookmarks are stored in a file called bookmarks.html and is stored in the profile folder. For example, if you want to use the bookmarks for Netscape 7 in Firefox, use about:config to add the String preference browser.bookmarks.file, and set the value to C:\Path To Netscape Profile\bookmarks.html.

Replace Path To Netscape Profile with the actual path to your Netscape profile.

This tip can also be used on dual-boot systems to use the same bookmarks on both operating systems. Just make sure that you place the file on a location that you have write access to from operating systems.

By default, if you enter a search term in the address field and press Enter, a Google "I'm Feeling Lucky" search is performed, and you're taken to the first result of that search directly. If you prefer to see the standard search result list instead, use about:config to change the value of the preference keyword.URL to

Of course, you could also change to a completely different search engine by changing the string to something else. The default search string is: "".

Disable Bookmark Icons

You can disable the display of bookmark icons and "favicons" by using about:config to set both of the preferences and to false.

Prevent sites from disabling the context menu

Some sites prevent you from right-clicking on the page to show the context menu. To disable such attempts, go to Tools > Options... (Firefox > Preferences... on Mac OS X, and Edit > Preferences... on Linux), click the Content section, and then click the Advanced... button next to Enable JavaScript. In the Advanced JavaScript Settings window, uncheck Disable or replace context menus and click OK.

Information from

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